Thursday, 28 April 2016


Roof Trusses, and all beams put into place. Everything is looking so good.
Windows are being installed today - 28th April 2016.

Rear of house

Alfresco LHS - Main Bed RHS

Frame for Bath

Looking from back of house through Main Bedroom

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Our frame was erected 20th and 21st April.
Amazing to see how much the house takes shape in a single day.

Roof trusses, Garage and Alfresco beams scheduled to be craned into position today - Tuesday 26th April.
Then just need to wait till brickie can get to site to start - scheduled for 6th May 2016.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Best day yet, our slab was poured Monday 11th April.
Received call from Slab Supervisor advising:

Slab pour today 11th April
Site Clean up 12th & 13th April
Frame delivery Thursday 14th April

Then he has done his job and we will be then assigned out SS for the rest of the build.

So awesome to see this slab.

Looking from rear of block

Slab from front side

Monday, 11 April 2016


Workers on site Friday and Saturday getting the slab ready for pour on Monday 11.04.2016

Waffle pods and reo all in and looking great. Guys were on site all Friday and most of Saturday making sure it was all ready for Mondays pour.

Drove past site 7am Monday morning to  find Cement pump on site ready to go.

Received a call from Site Prep Supervisor to advise Slab being poured today, site clean up Tuesday & Wednesday with Frames being delivered to site Thursday morning.

Charging ahead now - thankfully

Slab prep

Rear house view - Alfresco on LHS - Main Bed RHS

Rear Split

Front View of house

Rear Split

Cement Pump

Friday, 8 April 2016


MJH on site on Thursday 7th April starting the form work and piering done.
Should finish off today with pour scheduled for Monday/Tuesday next week

Monday, 4 April 2016

PROGRESS UPDATE - Drainage & Site Fencing

Tuesday 29th March brought a nice surprise with workers on site doing drainage.

Craig had that day off luckily as when he went to site it was discovered that the drainers were working off the old plan where the water tank was located Front LHS - it was amended weeks ago to be Rear RHS. They just never received the updated copy!

Any other week day and we would not have been at site in the morning so the drainers were able to rectify to have all done correct on first go rather than having to come back to site and dig up and re-do drainage, which would have resulted in delays - Phew!

Site fencing was erected Thursday 1st April.

Site ready and waiting for slab to be prepped and laid.

Taken from rear of house - Kitchen LHS & Ensuite RHS


Water tank run off drain

Main Bathroom and WC

Front view