Monday, 24 October 2016


We have been in our beautiful home for almost 4 weeks now and are slowing marking things off the never ending list of TO DO's

Over the past few weekends we have been preparing the back yard to be grassed. (to eliminate the dirt and dust slightly)
My husband spent the full weekend last fortnight on the bobcat moving dirt and shaping the yard ready for top soil and grass. As the rear of our block is a rock shelf he moved the dirt to level off but keeping a fall to allow the water to flow into the drains and out the front.

The following week we had top soil delivered and he spent many afternoons out levelling off and spreading the top soil.

Friday saw the delivery of 250 sqr mtrs of grass and with an approaching storm we spent the last few hours of daylight after work laying the grass.
Very happy with our end result, its nice to look out and see green grass instead of constant dust storms and rock.

We will hopefully retain and deck from the back of the house to the retaining wall in the coming months.

Ordered our security doors so we can open up the back of our home and take advantage of the beautiful southerly's.


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