Monday, 8 May 2017


We are building a deck across the back of the house which will act as our retaining wall with 2 large bench seats/steps leading up to the back yard.

We will be using railway sleepers as our decking boards.

Craig has done framework for the base and will make framework for stairs once all timer ready.
He has added cement dust under deck to avoid having wet mud sitting under boards.

The boards have taken about and extra 4/6 weeks to be ready but we were able to collect 60% of the boards over the weekend and they look sensational.

We need to clear seal them before we start laying. The boards look amazing without seal I can't wait to see them sealed and laid.


  1. Great blog :) really enjoyed reading your journey. We're just at the beginning of our Miami 31 journey :)

  2. Thank you Sandra, been a bit slack updating it in the last 12 months - will attempt to updated it soon.
    Hope you have a smooth build - we love our Miami.
